A gathering of Giants
It's easy to discern why - just take a look at the quality of their product, their un-waivering focus on precision and driver-focused design, and their overflowing cornucopia of motorsports trophies. All of these facets of this wonderful company were clearly represented at Werkes Reunion, held last summer during Car Week in Monterey, CA. This Porsche-specific event featured an innumerable amount of historically-significant Porshce's, and some of the most well-kept, restored, and modified Porsche's on the planet. Don't take my word for it - see for yourself.
Many will call a Porsche enthusiast a snob, and for good reason. While some may find this person boring while they are talking about numbers-matching bolts on their numbers-matching gasket for their numbers-matching transmission, the people who are like minded find solace in the companionship of equally nerdy friends who love geeking-out on these wonderful historical machines. The depth of knowledge found in this community is staggering to say the least, and helps keep these cars on the road. You see what I said there... the road. I was intentional in that word, because ever since the 50's, Porsche's have been designed and built for drivers who love driving. To this day, the focus on any Porsche new or old is driving it. This community doesn't have many trailer queens, we have drivers who use the car for what it was intended for.... putting rubber on the road. While that is a great ideal, it does create the need for self-taught experts, so the cars on the road can stay on the road. Because of this, the Porsche brand lives on in all generations of their cars. Even Porsche themselves claim that 70% of their cars are all still on the road today, and I believe it.
The Werke's reunion is one of the main events that gather the drivers of these great cars in the same place. Right up there with the PCA Porsche Parade, the Reunion is a gathering of biblical proportions. There was a concours even for those willing to submit themselves at the alter of the Porsche Gods, there was a hearty car show open to the public, and there were countless smiles on countless faces. At the end of the day, this reunion was about like minded friends getting together and having a great time.
While walking around the event smiling like a kid, I heard someone come on the loud-speaker, and ask the owner of the Singer car to return to his vehicle to assist in the concours judging. My jaw dropped. There was a Singer in our midst; one car that is on my bucket-list of things to see. Everything else vanished at that moment, and all my attention was directed to finding that Singer. I finally came upon it, and spent the next 30-40 minutes pouring over every last detail of it's beauty, precision, and attention to detail. I've seen the videos and read the articles, and after seeing one up close I can tell you with all certainty that it's nothing like anything you've ever seen. It's not wild like a Lamborghini or fast like a Ferrari; but it's perfect where it needs to be perfect, and the details are un-matched by todays manufacturers (except Pagani perhaps)
After seeing countless 356's, RWB 964's, race prepped 906's and even a 918 Spyder, you would think your mind would have it's fill, and yet another 911 wouldn't be interesting. You would be foolish to think that, because even in a saturated environment the beauty and passion visible in every Porsche fascinates you, and draws you in. You start caring about the weave in the fabrics, the color of the wheels, and wether or not the stickers are factory correct. You start becoming one of 'those guys' falling down the rabbit hole of passion. You've been enchanted; and I'm afraid to admit it, but there is no coming back.